Peter Igo Park

Get on Board!

Site dedicated to the renovation of Peter Igo Park which is located in Brant Rock, Massachusetts.  The Peter Igo Park Initiative (PIPI) is spearheaded by volunteers from the Marshfield Tennis Club.


Our Impact

Under the guidance of the Friends of Peter Igo Park (FOPIP), numerous actions have already been undertaken to launch an upgrade of the park. Several fundraisers have been held and donations have been received, both monetary and as “services in kind” to assist in these initial steps. Wetland areas and setbacks were noted and staked, with assistance from Jay Wennemer, conservation agent and John Zimmer, a wetland scientist. Grady Consulting of Kingston generated a professional site plan.



Thousand Dollars Raised

Thanks to contributions from the Marshfield CPC, grants from the USTA, and numerous donations.



Years Serving the community

Friends of Peter Igo Park have been  raising awareness for the park's restoration and maintenance.



Thousand residents Impacted

The residents of Marshfield and surrounding communities are the beneficiaries.

 AFTER (2018)